Mesothelial cells in pleural fluid
Mesothelial cells in pleural fluid, in 182 patients were studied prospectively. Although red blood cells (RBCs) has more than 10,000 m³ / mm were common to all types of spills, RBC has more than 100,000 / mm Cu strongly suggests malignancy, pulmonary infarction or trauma. Of the 31 DP exudate with lymphocytic predominance, 30 were due to either tuberculosis or malignancy.
No tuberculous effusions had more than 1% of mesothelial cells, whereas most other spills contained at least 5% of mesothelial cells.
Mesothelial cells in pleural fluid, Pleural fluid cytology showed malignant cells in 33 of 43 patients with effusions due to tumor. Over 50% of the original spill inconclusive cytologic results of pleural fluid has been shown to be due to malignancy. When the tumor is suspected, at least three samples of pleural fluid should be submitted for cytology.
Mesothelial cells in pleural fluid
Eighty five samples of Mesothelial cells in pleural fluid from 76 patients with biopsy-proven tuberculous pleurisy were examined cytologically. Many reactive were present in only 1.2% of samples analyzed. In contrast, 65.3% of pleural fluid aspirates from a control group of patients with congestive heart failure contained significantly mesothelial exfoliation.
The suggestion that the presence of numerous, often very reactive mesothelial cells in pleural aspirate makes the diagnosis of tuberculosis is unlikely confirmed.